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san luis obispo sports equipment and guns for sale in San Luis Obispo, California For Sale

san luis obispo sports equipment and guns for sale
Price: $300
Type: Sport, For Sale - Private.

All Digital Electronic ChargingIndustry recognized with the xxxx IBEX Innovation Award, ProNauticP employs our ProMar Digital Performance Charging Platform which combines all digital control and software-based power conversion technology with global energy management features. ProNauticP addresses the trend of incorporating and using more 12-volt electronics on-board today's power, sail, cruising and sport fishing boats. Boasting twelve digitally-controlled performance charging profiles with finger tip selection, ProNauticP fully charges, conditions, maintains and re-conditions batteries while extending battery life and maximizing battery reserve power performance. ProNauticP is Power Factor Corrected with auto-ranging global AC input allowing all models to operate off a standard household power connection. Featuring dual digital displays for real-time display of actual charging voltage and amperage and AC power-on diagnostics with pass or fail status in addition to discreet fault i.
Manufacturer: ProMariner
Model: xxxx0
Condition: New
Price: $300.82
Availability: In Stock

State: California  City: San Luis Obispo  Category: Sport
Sport in California for sale

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