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2014 Toyota Corolla S Plus Sedan in San Luis Obispo, California For Sale

Price: $5,000
Type: Cars, For Sale - Private.

Corolla S, 1.8L I4 DOHC, and FWD. Exercises command of the road.
Happily wave as you drive by another gas station. Want to stretch your
purchasing power? Well take a look at this fantastic-looking xxxx
Toyota Corolla. Cute Vehicle need a good home. Very well mannered and
rarely requires feeding! :) This car is nicely equipped with features
such as 1.8L I4 DOHC, Corolla S, and FWD.- AAI
Visit our webpage at for more pictures.
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Car price $xxxx reduced from $14,980
Buy now before this car sells .
Contact use via email for a quick response or call us at the number on
our webpage (404)-796 xxxx .

State: California  City: San Luis Obispo  Category: Cars
Cars in California for sale

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